Stylish Studio Extension in Hampton, Victoria

About The Project

Blue Point Building skillfully built a studio extension on a former tennis court in Hampton, Victoria, merging it seamlessly with the existing house and BBQ area.

The Objective

Ange needed a separate space for her son, opting to transform their seldom-used tennis court into a practical studio. The project also entailed connecting the house with the BBQ area and roofing the space to ensure dryness and comfort.

Clients Names





6 Months

Our Approach

Foundation Work

For the studio project, we first addressed the challenge of site access. We negotiated with a neighbour to bring an excavator through their fence, essential for digging the foundations of the concrete slab. After laying the slab and bringing in the framing timber, we rebuilt the fence and started transporting materials from the front. The first step in construction was erecting the brick wall along the boundary, providing a solid base for the rest of the build.

Structural Design and Integration

Next, we focused on framing around this new brick wall, followed by the installation of the roof and cladding. We ensured every step was planned to make the studio blend seamlessly with the existing house and BBQ area, key to creating a unified and functional space.

Overcoming Challenges

Access Issues

Gaining access through the neighbour’s property was our initial major challenge. Through careful negotiation and planning, we managed this smoothly, setting a positive tone for the project’s start.

The Solutions

Seamless Execution and Client Satisfaction

Throughout the project, our focus remained on delivering quality and efficiency. From the foundational work to the intricate roofing and decking, every aspect was executed with precision. Ange’s satisfaction with the final result, especially since we were recommended for this job, was a significant accomplishment for us.

Aesthetically Pleasing and Cost-Effective Build

We are extremely proud of the visual result of the project. Our ability to offer competitive quotes without compromising on quality truly demonstrates our dedication to providing cost-effective solutions and efficiency.

Reflections and Results

As we look back on this project, we’re truly proud of what we’ve achieved. Our foremost source of pride is the satisfaction of our client, Ange, which always stands at the heart of our work. The stunning visual impact of the studio, showcased in the beautiful photographs, is another highlight.

Completing this high-quality build at a cost significantly lower than our competitors adds to our sense of accomplishment. This project not only met our client’s needs but also exemplified our dedication to excellence and providing value in our building solutions.

Ready to renovate your studio?